EZ Grip Handle


  • Reduce Pain & Stress
  • Uses Upper Body Muscles
  • Work Faster & Easier
  • Control Pressure Evenly
  • Ergonomic Benefits
  • Friction Grip Holds Blade without Screws or Bolts
  • Built-in Braces STOP Ink Messes In or Out of the Screen
  • Easy to Clean


TheEZGrip Screen Print Squeegee was designed by a printer for printers. The unique holder is engineered to totally change the way a silkscreen squeegee works. The upright handles make pulling or pushing easier than ever! The ergonomic "2 Handle Design" provides a comfortable grip, which aligns the hands and adjoining wrists to promote a healthy posture that reduces stress, pain and the potential of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The exclusive "Ink Protection System", features built-in braces that support the squeegee to prevent time consuming ink messes and clean up, on or off the screen. An elongated support rod located at the end of each handle, keeps the grips away from ink when the holder is placed on the screen.